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Susan Damron is an experienced attorney and special projects consultant following a 30-year career in public service and state leadership which has gone hand-in-hand with community engagement.  Susan joined EMBLEM Strategies in August 2021 as a Strategic Partner and Legal Services Specialist, bringing to the firm her extensive expertise in collaborating with federal, state, and local stakeholders as well as securing and managing millions of dollars in federal grants.  One of her most recent projects has been assisting the Sac and Fox Nation in evaluating their tribal code and recommending changes to establish appropriate laws and policies for crime victims and survivors. 

After graduating from Southwestern Oklahoma State University, she joined the District Attorneys Council and began working as an administrative assistant for the newly created Oklahoma Crime Victims Compensation Board until she became grants administrator for various statewide Department of Justice grants. Susan continued to serve the state's district attorneys as staff attorney after receiving her Juris Doctor from the Oklahoma City University School of Law in 1992 and became the advocate general for the Office of Juvenile Affairs (OJA) in 1997.

In 2001, Susan became an assistant attorney general for the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office and was named the first chief of the newly formed Victims Services Unit in 2005, responsible for certifying statewide domestic violence and sexual assault programs, training law enforcement, service providers and allied professionals, and overseeing other related programs and services.  The first statewide Oklahoma Victim Assistance Academy was also developed under her tenure. Her role as a liaison to communities and private advocacy stakeholders to bring outside expertise and public support to domestic, sexual violence, stalking, child abuse, and human trafficking issues has served her well in developing solutions on a variety of issues.  


Susan retired from public service in October 2011 and began working as a consultant for the Central Oklahoma Humane Society where she also found joy volunteering as a foster.  From May 2012 through July 2020, Susan was the director of educational programs for the Oklahoma Bar Association where she was responsible for developing new courses, course-related products, and legal forms to foster excellence at all stages of a lawyer’s career as well as acting as staff liaison to the Women in Law Committee and the OBA’s Human Trafficking Committee.


Throughout her career, Susan has served on a variety of boards and associations including President of the Oklahoma Child Support Enforcement Association, the STOP Violence Against Women Act Board, President of the Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board, and the Child Death Review Board from 1997 – 2001 and beginning again in 2020 as a representative of the Oklahoma Bar Association.  She has been a member of the OSU-OKC Crime Victim/Survivor Services Advisory Committee since 2007 and joined The CARE Center Board of Directors in July 2015, where she currently serves as Board Secretary.  Susan is a graduate of Leadership Oklahoma's Class XXXI and lives in Oklahoma City.

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